
Catherine Vo

Digital Innovation Strategist, BP

United States


Chatherine Vo is a Digital Strategist, Innovator, Consulting Director, Enterprise Architect, and Project Leader. She has led the project and program planning and performance management for the company’s portfolio values at $1B+ with global locations spanning across the US, Asia Pacific, and Europe.

She has over 15 years of experience in the expert global technology advisory, design, and implementation in service of Fortune-500 companies.

She held engineering discipline and leadership roles in leading-edge digital innovation with two $100M+ successful Silicon Valley startup ventures.

To learn more about Catherina, please check her LinkedIn profile.


Panel Speaker

Phase-Based Planning & Scheduling Best Practices

There are a variety of planning and scheduling services performed throughout the project lifecycle, and the key to the “design-to-budget” goal of most Owners is to implement the services that are appropriate and needed in each phase, from Pre-Project to Post-Construction. Some of these best practices include the organization of the work breakdown structure and the unifying cost structure, dealing with schedules at the different stages of maturity of the phases, BIM engagement and integration, dealing with potential delay drivers like long lead equipment, sequencing, and work package development, schedule constructability and optimization, time contingencies and management reserves, and change management.

The panelists will discuss one phase each of the Pre-Project, Design, Construction, and Post-Construction phases and address how planning & scheduling best practices apply to that phase.

Come enjoy this discussion with the experts on the panel and learn from their experience.