Christopher Timmer

Vice President, Customer Success,  Realization Technologies



Christopher Timmer is Vice President, Customer Success at Realization, a Silicon Valley-based provider of constraints-based project, operations and supply chain management solutions. In his current role, Mr. Timmer oversees all aspects of client services operations and is responsible for the success of Realization’s engagements.

Mr. Timmer has over 25 years of experience managing and coaching executive and management teams through various engineering, maintenance, and manufacturing projects.

Mr. Timmer has successfully implemented Realization’s solutions in over 20 organizations, including the US Navy, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the Defense Logistics Agency, the French Air Force, BHP Billiton, Delta Air Lines Siemens, Proctor and Gamble, and NASA. He has helped achieve significant results in project and non-project environments.  Non-project implementations include engine MRO, manufacturing, and supply systems.  Engine MRO implementations at Delta Airlines where all of Delta’s engines and many sister airline engines are overhauled, and the U.S. Air Force engine facility located near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma where all of the air force’s engines are overhauled, have resulted in over  20% increases to revenue and throughput in the face of reducing budget pressures.

Mr. Timmer has been instrumental in the design and implementation of improvement processes for the F/A-18 aircraft line including wing shops, back shops and engineering at the US Navy Fleet Readiness Centers.  Mr. Timmer’s efforts led to an increase in repair throughput of legacy F/A-18C Hornet fighter jets by 40%, as confirmed by Rear Adm. Michael Manazir, the Navy’s director of air warfare, report to the House Armed Services Committee on November 3, 2015.  While doing this he has also helped the Navy improve throughput and lead times in their manufacturing and extensive component and piece part repair facilities.

Prior to joining Realization, Mr. Timmer served as plant and maintenance manager for Kaiser Aluminum, a leading producer of fabricated aluminum products for aerospace.  Previous to this he served as a commanding engineer officer in the U. S. Army and a project manager for the Army Corps of Engineers.

Mr. Timmer is a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering.

To connect with Chris, please check his LinkedIn Profile.

Title & Abstract

What is a Resource Coordination Map and How it Improves On Time Delivery of Projects

Resource scheduling has remained an unsolved problem ever since the introduction of formal project management techniques in 1960s; and that is the main reason why projects take too long and cost too much. According to Associated Schools of Construction, coordination losses (resources not being available when work is, and work not being available when resources are) account for 25-50% of timelines in construction projects.

Join this session with Chris Timmer to learn about a breakthrough in the area of resource scheduling and project delivery. Specifically, you will learn:

  • How a Resource Coordination Map is an elegant, practical solution to the problem that has remained unsolved for 60 years.
  • Why a Resource Coordination Map helps you achieve the shortest possible timelines, while making your promised dates immune to most of the delays and changes.
  • How a Resource Coordination Map works in planning as well as in execution.

Presentation Category:

  • New Technologies

Competency Level: Intermediate

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