Corey Short

Corey Short

Director, Enterprise Project Performance, Hexagon

United States


Corey Short has a career spanning 20 years with a background in strategic corporate leadership, project, portfolio, and contract management, project controls, and enterprise software implementation.

Corey leads the Enterprise Project Performance team at Hexagon, helping organizations mature their project performance capabilities in order to achieve highly efficient predictability and control, and ultimately improve returns and margins from project investments.

To connect with Corey, please visit his LinkedIn profile.

Keynote Speaker

One Project Ecosystem

Are organizations prioritizing projects highly enough?

In our respective industries, projects are the engines for growth – whether you are the asset owner or the services firm that makes the project happen. But despite the economic impact, it is overly common for projects to be managed by a cavalcade of point solutions, spreadsheets, and ad hoc reports. As a result, amidst the unfortunate inefficiencies, we continue to experience budget and schedule overruns and under-delivery of business objectives. Year after year. Decade after decade. 

In this session, we explore a vision of a single project ecosystem across your enterprise — where technology supports people and processes; where organizations fulfill a mandate for project intelligence on par with the ERPs for Finance; where automation, predictability, and data-centric decisions allow us to ingest complexity and return superior project performance. Join us as we explore what this landscape of possibilities looks like, and how we can venture there together.

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