Rick Gillis

Career Strategist, Speaker & Author

Author of Leveling the Paying Field, JOB! Search Optimized, and Your Work Does Not Speak for Itself, You Do

United States


As employee #1, Rick Gillis was involved in the remarkable success of the first two job boards in the greater Houston, TX area in the Neolithically-early days of the Internet: 1997. Over a period of ten years of calling on people who professionally hired others, he learned how job search really worked. Being in the forefront of the online employment movement, Rick began speaking on search, promotion, and advancement across the US, as well as on terrestrial radio and in online interviews in Australia, Panama, the Caribbean, Canada, and the UK. Rick has been featured on NPR, PBS, Business Insider, in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Inc., the Houston Chronicle, CIO, Huffington Post, and more. Rick also produced and hosted both radio and TV shows in Houston.

All of this experience lead Rick to begin writing. Rick’s newest book, Your Work Does Not Speak For Itself—You Do, due to be published just days before Project Control Academy’s 2024 Galveston event, is his eighth book.

An overview of ‘Your Work’ will provide you with the topic Rick will be presenting at this year’s event: As children we are taught not to brag. This idea remains with far too many people into their professional lives where they believe promoting themselves on the job is bragging. It’s not. ‘Your Work’ brings this discussion to the forefront for your personal gain and professional development.

How do you professionally promote yourself? With the QTNT® (pronounced: quotient) —a remarkably simple calculation Rick invented over his years of working with professionals seeking advancement who could not express a value for the work they had produced for previous employers.

Never before has anyone been able to quantifiably measure the value a ‘paycheck worker’ delivers to their company with an efficiency normally associated with the tracking of a sales professional’s performance. One CFO even called the QTNT ground-breaking. Visit www.rickgillis.com for more information.

To connect with Rick, please check his LinkedIn Profile or visit www.rickgillis.com for more information.

Title & Abstract

Your Work Does Not Speak For Itself—You Do

Join us for an empowering session where you will learn to articulate and quantify your worth in the workplace. Forget the old adage that your work speaks for itself; it’s time for you to advocate for your value.

In this insightful presentation, you will discover:

    • The QTNT® method, a groundbreaking, objective way to measure your commercial value.
    • The easy-to-follow QTNT Personal Value Calculation (PVC) process.
    • Real-world case studies that demonstrate how to apply these concepts practically.
    • Techniques to develop a persistent Accomplishments Mindset.
    • How to compile a dynamic Accomplishments Inventory and Statement that you can confidently present.

This approach is designed for everyone, at any career level, who earns a salary and seeks fair recognition and compensation. Get ready to change how you perceive and project your professional contributions, and step into a world where you drive your career narrative.

This method is the culmination of Rick’s extensive career experience across various roles, bringing you a tried and tested formula for career advancement and satisfaction. To get a glimpse into the possibilities, visit RickGillis.com.