
Shane Richardson

CEO, Lagrange Portfolio and Program Management           

Construction Technologist, Project Controls Expert

United States


Shane Richardson is the President of Lagrange, a management consulting firm providing project controls and program management services.

Shane has a background in applying project controls solutions across varying industries including nuclear, mining, oil and gas, environmental remediation, government and commercial. He has worked in various roles supporting both the Owners and General Contractors developing robust project controls systems that leverage data to support sound decision-making.

Shane graduated from Washington State University with a BS in Electrical Engineering and attending Pepperdine University for his MBA.

To connect with Shane, please check his Linkedin profile.

Title & Abstract

Curing the decades old plague of schedule delays on projects by bringing data visualization to your schedule forecast accuracy

How accurate are your schedule forecast updates? 90%, 80%, 70%, or 60% accurate? If you were asked that question would you know? Would you also know how you’re trending? Is your schedule forecast accuracy trending better, stagnant, or getting worse? Would any of your project team members be able to easily answer these questions?

It’s year 2022 and we live in a world where we have self-driving cares, smart homes, and artificial intelligence yet on average 77% of projects are at least 40% late. Why is it that with all the advancements in technology and productivity are projects still plagued with delays? With all the time, resources, and effort put into planning why are many project performing poorly?

Join this session to realize the primary reason behind schedule delays and how to improve it significantly by bringing data visualization to your schedule forecast accuracy no matter the magnitude of your schedule.

Presentation Category:

  • New Technologies

Competency Level: Advanced