Following is the current program for presenters and panelists  speaking at the Project Control Summit Summit 2022. We will update the program as soon as more information becomes available.

We’ll start at 8:00 am CST (US Central Time) and end at 4:30 pm CST, each day except for Day 4, which is half a day (ending at noon).

Please note that there is no specific order to the list of speakers and presentations for each day of the conference. The detailed timing of each presentation will NOT be announced, so you have the opportunity to learn from different topics and speakers. 

Day 1: May 18, 2022

8:00 am to 4:30 pm US Central Time

Shohreh Ghorbani
Shohreh Ghorbani

Founder & Technical Director, Project Control Academy

Opening Keynote: Gateways to the Future of Project Controls

The emerging cutting-edge technology trends are changing the landscape of Project Controls at an unprecedented rate. The new technologies will provide us with new levels of visualization, progress tracking, performance measurement, diagnostic and predictive insights, higher accuracy, and efficiency in the successful execution and delivery of projects. Join this opening keynote presentation to discover top 5 cutting-edge project controls technology trends that everyone involved in projects need to be aware of and get equipped with some forward-thinking future-readiness strategies to foster innovation in your projects and organizations.

Jeancarlo D. Maica

Project Digital Planning & Reporting Manager

One Step Further: A Digital Collaboration Hub

The next level of seamless automation for Project Controls is already here. Join this session to learn more about digital collaboration hub through a case study of TRU West Alliance leveraging Power BI to capture real time data. Explore how you can automate your entire reporting cycle and tremendously reduce time in data consolidation and reports production.

Dr. Nour Bouhou

Vice President at ASLMP

How to Choose the Most Suitable Methodology to Assess Construction Schedule Delays?

Join this session to explore the different delay methodologies outlined in AACE RP 29R-03, and learn the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. You will also learn how and why to select a particular method through a case study.

Technical Panel: Partnerships – The Win-Win Approach to Addressing Current Market Conditions

In this panel discussion, senior leaders in project controls will provide insight into how well-designed and managed partnerships can help mitigate some of the delays and escalation issues plaguing the industry. Many of the mitigation strategies used in partnerships must be designed and implemented during the design phase in order to effect mitigation during construction, so this discussion helps the audience ensure early appropriate partnering and engagement in these efforts to receive maximum benefits.

Director of Program & Project Controls, Vice President at Arcadis

Advisor at Chevron

Head of Project Services, BHP

Director of Project Governance and Value Assurance, Microsoft

Senior Director, Project Controls, SNC-Lavalin

James Arrow

Principal, Project Risk Management Expert, PQS LLC

Amplifying Risk Signals for Enhanced Prediction Accuracy

Digitalization will transform the construction industry in the next decade. Join this session to learn the approaches we should adopt to fully leverage this transition. Learn the ways to combine risk theory and data to help amplify and better manage relevant risk signals.

AJ Waters

VP Industry Solutions, InEight

What You’re Really Missing by Using a Scheduling Point Solution

Balancing scope, cost and schedule can influence the outcome of your construction project. However, scheduling is widely considered as a point solution! Join this session to discover the true power of integrated project controls. Explore the future of project project controls and how integration can transform your project over traditional approach of using point solutions.

Miles Aucoin

Founder & Owner, EPC Project Services

Project Controls Current Market Update & Tips For Finding the Right Opportunity for You

This is more than simply discussing the current market for Project Controls professionals. We will be identifying which industries present the most opportunities, what skills are transferable to new industries, and how to highlight those skills when pursuing new opportunities. Additionally, Post-Covid Project Controls has been met with a great appreciation for the Data we collect, interpret, and present, so we will cover how this changes our roles on projects, within organizations, and career advancement.

Niki Weiss

Senior Business Delivery Manager, Cigna International

Blockchain and Project Management

This session will help you understand an introductory overview of blockchain technology and its uses, identify how project management methodology is used for blockchain projects, and explain the impact of blockchain technology on project management.

Panel Discussion: Project Controls Jobs of the Future

Join this panel discussion to learn about the outlook for Project Controls jobs in the future from a panel of experts on the topic. The panel will be discussing topics centered around helping you answer, “What can I be doing now to help advance my career in the future?”. Experienced Leaders from both the Owner and Contractor side will be discussing what skills will be most in demand (technical & soft skills), the differences and career benefits of Project vs. Portfolio work, and the growing need and emphasis organizations are placing on Data.

Founder & Owner, EPC Project Services

Capital Projects Performance Manager, Albemarle

Vice President, Hill International

Strategic Recruitment Solutions Manager, TRS Staffing Solutions

Director of Project Controls, Risk & Scheduling, Linesight

Tim Mather

COO, PMA Technologies

Innovations in Planning and Risk for Construction Project Controls

Project Controls in the construction industry has undergone innovation through the last several years. However, the way we do schedule risk analysis still leaves a lot to improve upon. Gone are the sticky notes and outdated algorithms. Join this session to explore the innovative and highly developed planning, scheduling and risk algorithms offered by PMA Technologies and learn how it can transform the way you do project controls.

Day 2: May 19, 2022

8:00 am to 4:30 pm US Central Time

Peter Taylor

Vice President Global PMO at Ceridian

Keynote: AI and the Project Manager

Peter Taylor is the author of the #1 bestselling project management book ‘The Lazy Project Manager’, along with many other books on Project Management, PMO development, Executive Sponsorship, Transformation Leadership, and Speaking Skills.

He has built and led some of the largest PMOs in the world with organisations such as Siemens, IBM, UKG, and now Ceridian, where he is the VP Global PMO

In his keynote, Peter will explain what AI means for project managers around the world and how good project managers will embrace this technological advantage for greater project success.

Ihab Girgis

Project Management & Controls Consultant, Pyramid PMO

Critical Path and Critical Chain - Can They Work in Harmony?

Join this session to understand more about the Theory of Constraints (ToC) and ways to apply in projects. Explore the application of the Critical Path and Critical Chain in a real-world project example that was impacted by multiple types of critical constraints, and how the proper implementation of the ToC would have changed the course of its outcome.

Dr. Dimitris Antoniadis

Director of Program & Project Management Services, Danton Progm

Project Controls and Block Chain

Blockchain Technology is truly transformational and can change the way we deliver our projects. Join this session to learn more about blockchain technology, its benefits, requirements, and limitations and how it can be adopted in project controls.

Technical Panel: Digital Disruption Trends in Project Controls

Join this panel discussion to learn more about the new and upcoming digital disruption trends in project controls from panel of experts on this topic.

Project Digital Planning Manager at BAM Nuttall Ltd

Chief of Project Controls, VDC, and Data Innovation Officer at The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey

Digital Innovation Manager, ASGC

CEO, Advanced Planning Analytics

CEO, ProjectAI

John Hollmann

Owner, Validation Estimating LLC

The Price of Predictability for Portfolio Projects

This session discusses the overfunding issue in projects and the cost of accuracy. Joh will also share with you best practices for establishing a clear cost strategy aligned with control strategy, validating the base estimate bias, measuring and studying actual cost growth (e.g., calibration), and using an empirically-valid, calibrated parametric model for contingency.

Doug Schmoe

Chief Revenue Officer, Eyrus

Leveraging IoT for Automated, Real-Time Workforce Analytics

Join this session to learn how you can leverage IoT technology to automate the collection of workforce data in real-time to create an “objective truth” of who is working on site. Map this “objective truth” to your project schedule and to your compliance and reporting requirements for real-time, automated insights.

Russ Stevens

Senior Solutions Analyst, ARES PRISM

Managing Cost and Carbon on Capital Projects

Global construction accounts for upto 38% of total global emissions. To meet carbon net zero goals, organisations need to estimate costs and carbon while also confirming to local regulations. Join this session to learn how you can utilize ARES PRISM to estimate a project’s carbon just like you can estimate the project’s cost.

Bian Mutang Tagal

Senior Planner and Technology Leader at PCSS Consultancy

Drone Disruption: Staying True To Your Project Control Roots In The Digital Era

Join this interesting session to learn more about drones and how to kickstart a drone program in your company. You will be exposed to practical applications of drone solutions based on real projects. Most importantly, you will learn how drones are ever relevant to the field of project controls and will continue to remain a staple industry technology.

Erik Preus

Director, Sales Enablement, Hexagon PPM

Beyond Project Controls – A Full Lifecycle of Visibility

Visibility is key for a successful project. The best value is achieved when you have insights into every facet of your project. Join this presentation to learn how you can build visibility into the full lifecycle of your projects and go beyond the usual Project Controls. Explore how Hexagon’s innovative Enterprise Project Performance platform will help you obtain a full picture of your project and portfolio data.

Gilles Almeras

VP Sales, Project Controls & Engineering, Planisware

Risk & Opportunity Management, Open Your Eyes to the Many Roads Ahead

Join this session to learn how to identify, manage and control unknowns in your project portfolio, as well as how to confidently estimate timelines and costs by doing accurate contingency planning.

Mariana D’Appuzo

Senior Solutions Engineer, Planisware

Matt Pitstick
Art of the Possible: The Frontiers of Integrated Project, Program, and Portfolio Management

Integrated Program Performance Management (IPPM) has traditionally been focused on the integration of cost performance and schedule. Two overarching trends that are causing a rethinking of this self-limiting concept are the communications and information systems employed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. In this session, Matt will walk you through both the art of necessity and the art of the possible for IPPM under this new environment using the Proteus and Envision software suite.

Technology Panel: Projects Keep Failing on their Cost & Schedule Targets! Are New Technologies a Solution?

What’s the role of new technologies in improving the project delivery & performance? Join this panel discussion with representatives from the leading technology and service providers in Project Controls/ Management to explore the current issues with the projects delivery and whether new technologies can help resolve the current and future project performance challenges.

Founder & Technical Director, Project Control Academy

Founder & CEO, Realization Technologies

Managing Director, PMA Consultants

Senior Solutions Analyst, ARES PRISM

Chief Revenue Officer, Eyrus

Day 3: May 20, 2022

8:00 am to 4:30 pm US Central Time

Sanjeev Gupta

Founder & CEO, Realization Technologies

Keynote: Why Resource Coordination is Top Management’s TOPMOST Problem

In his keynote, Sanjeev Gupta, a lifetime achievement award winner and the inventor of project flow management, will exhort and provoke you to think differently about how to deliver projects faster and on time.

Julie Owen

Senior Executive Officer, Project Management Oversight, Los Angeles Metro

LA Metro Enhanced Cost Forecasting and Exposure Based Contingency Drawdown

Join this session to explore a detailed case study on how LA Metro is successfully executing the largest transportation infrastructure program in the US by implementing project controls processes and procedures to improve cost and schedule forecasting with a special emphasis on inclusion of risk generated exposures.

Manan Choksi

President, Brio Solutions LLC

Technical Panel: Future of Construction and the Role of Project Controls

The need for innovation and technological advances is more important than ever. Technological advances, the pandemic, increased competition, and the demand for shorter construction times are, however, slowly but surely starting to transform the construction sector. Join this esteemed panel to discuss the future of construction and how technology, innovation and data analytics can transform our industry.

President at Kitchell CEM

Vide President at CDM Smith, CMAA Chair

Manager of Projects, Jacobs

Director General and CEO at NICMAR

Managing Director & Principal Consultant, Baes Infinitas

Department Chair, Construction Management, University of Houston

Ray Paulk

CEO, ProjectAI

The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Projects

In complex projects, the volume of data continues to grow exponentially, but most organisations are not keeping pace. Deep inside this data, there is treasure to be found, and most organisations don’t know that it’s there, much less how to access it or leverage it. This presentation will explore the potential (and the pitfalls) of emerging technologies in capital projects and portfolios specifically the power of artificial intelligence in successfully delivering projects.

Dr. Prasad Kodukula

President at Kodukula & Associates, PMI Fellow

No Wonder, You Can't Finish Your Project on Time! Need help?

Get onboard this fun-filled interactive session to learn more about a new technique called RISA (Risk Impact Sensitivity Analysis). In this session, you will learn to prioritize risks and take appropriate response actions enabling you to finish your projects on time.

Shohreh Ghorbani
Shohreh Ghorbani

Founder & Technical Director, Project Control Academy

Project Controls Career Progression Roadmap

You are invited to this informative session presented by Project Control Academy to explore the project controls career progression roadmap and get equipped with what you need to consider for your professional development. Hence, you are ready to tackle the challenges that come your way with confidence. 

Walter Lipke

The creator of the Earned Schedule technique

Earned Schedule: Project Duration Increase from Rework

Rework impacts project cost but it also increases project duration. How do you determine the duration increase caused by rework?

Join this session to explore the application of a new metrics, the Schedule Adherence Index (SAI), an extension to the Earned Schedule (ES) metrics, in assessing the schedule impact of rework.

Christopher Timmer

VP Customer Success, Realization Technologies

What Is a Resource Coordination Map and How It Improves On Time Delivery of Projects

Resource scheduling has remained an unsolved problem ever since the introduction of formal project management techniques in 1960s; and that is the main reason why projects take too long and cost too much.

Join this session with Chris Timmer to learn about a breakthrough in the area of resource scheduling and project delivery.

Technology Panel: Predictive Analytics for Proactive Project Controls; Are We There Yet?

Are we making the right predictions about the project schedules and cost outcomes? Join this panel discussion with representatives from the leading technology providers in Project Controls/ Management to explore the current evolutions of predictive analytics in project controls and how you can move from descriptive or diagnostic analytics to predictive analytics in your projects.

Founder & Technical Director, Project Control Academy

Director, Product Development, Hexagon PPM

VP Product Development, InEight

Director Product Strategy, Oracle Construction & Engineering

VP Sales, Project Controls & Engineering, Planisware

Day 4: May 21, 2022

8:00 am to 12:30 pm CST (US Central Time)

Dr. Kamran Akbarzadeh

CEO, Project Control Academy, Award-winning author, Leadership Expert & Coach

Closing Keynote: The Gateways Are Open! Now What?

What would you do once the conference is over? Would you go back to your normal way of doing things and continue working as usual? Or would you take action to implement what you’ve learned and become an agent of change in your projects and company? Join Dr. Kamran Akbarzadeh, CEO of Project Control Academy, in the closing keynote of Project Control Summit 2022 to create an action plan for implementing what you have learned and ensuring your success to the next exciting level in your project professional career.

Chris Carson

Director of Program & Project Controls, Vice President at Arcadis

Successful Projects Start with Integrating Project Controls with the Design Process

Join this session to learn how a good Phase-Gate process, integrating Cost/Schedule/Risk with the Design works. Also explore the best way to set up a Phase-Gate process that is fully integrated with the Project Controls disciplines, including what services should best be provided during each design stage or phase to ensure a methodical approach to design input in the important specialties.

Technology & Innovation Showcase

In this special session, 7 Startup companies will talk about the tools and technologies that they have developed related to Project Management and Project Controls advancement. Each company will present for 7 minutes followed by a few minutes of group discussion to answer your questions.

CEO & Co-founder, OFFOLIO

CEO & Co-founder, Pixly


Partner, Tracecost

Founder & CTO, Simple Construction Software

Co-founder, CostTracker

Chief Revenue Officer, Eyrus

Shane Richardson

CEO, Lagrange Portfolio and Program Management

Curing the Decades Old Plague of Schedule Delays on Projects by Bringing Data Visualization to Your Schedule Forecast Accuracy

Join this session to realize the primary reason behind schedule delays and how to improve it significantly by bringing data visualization to your schedule forecast accuracy no matter the magnitude of your schedule.

Conference Closing and Award Ceremony

After three and half days of learning and networking, it’s time to end the Project Control Summit 2022 on a high note and celebrate the success of the conference with an award ceremony recognizing our speakers, sponsors, as well as the winners of the expo giveaways and Summit activities. 

Session 2

Extended Early Bird Registrations End on March 31st! Grab Your Ticket Today and Save!Register Now>>